
Pdfcreator 2.0
Pdfcreator 2.0

pdfcreator 2.0

  • Easy Install: Just say what you want and everything is installed.
  • AutoSave files to folders and filenames based on Tags like Username, Computername, Date, Time etc.
  • Create more than just PDFs: PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS.
  • Security: Encrypt PDFs and protect them from being opened, printed etc.
  • Create PDFs from any program that is able to print.
  • By having PDFCreator installed on your PC users of all knowledge levels will have direct and completely straightforward way of creating new PDF documents that can be secure, that can hold your important data, and even be archives for data that you need to secure for a long time.

    pdfcreator 2.0

    Instead of sending those documents to your printer, it will route the data to the fully standalone printer driver that will create a 100% compatible PDF documents that can be reproduced with perfect accuracy on any device or operating system that supports this widely accepted standard for platform-agnostic transport of productivity documents.

    Pdfcreator 2.0